December update
The last several years have been focused on planning but fast forward to now and we are into the pilot implementation phase.
Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot Vote Results
Thank you to all clubs who cast their vote in the Zone 8 Regionalisation pilot ballot. We were delighted with the result with more than 89% of clubs across the zone expressing a YES vote.
Project closing update – it’s over to you
Following the lead of RI leaders, we urge all members to vote in favour of this unique opportunity to work together to develop, test and evaluate a new model that best suits our region.
A message from Dr Jessie Harman
We need to use this opportunity to find ways to make it simpler and easier to be part of Rotary. As leaders of Rotary in our region, I know each of us wants Rotary to survive and thrive and be relevant for generations to come. Unchanged on our current trajectory, this will not occur.